Avalanche White- Plastisol Ink, (gallon)

Created By Artists For Artists (tm)
  • Free shipping
  • Great opacity with quick flash.
  • High performance white for polyester/cotton blends.
  • Low hot tack.
  • User friendly, no viscosity modifiers necessary.
  • Creamy, short body plastisol for easy printing.
  • Great value low bleed white plastisol

General Info:
Avalanche White is an economical, general purpose white that provides good coverage and some bleed
resistance on those pesky cotton/polyester blends. Even though this white is categorized as economical,
its soft body still allows it to be printed as easily as our premium whites This white is very similar to our Brite
White with the exception the body is not as creamy and slightly thicker in viscosity.
Mesh: 86-260
Stencil: Any direct emulsion or capillary film.
Wet on Wet Printing: Can be printed wet-on-wet to increase production.
, puff use Puff Additive (I10-9903), extend color use Soft-hand Base (I10-0111) & for suede puff
or dulling use Suede Additive (I10-9907).
To reduce viscosity use Curable Reducer (I10-9906), improve stretch use G&S Base
Squeegee Hardness & Angle: Medium to hard at a 45 degree angle.
Flashing: 700ºF for 3 seconds, just enough so the surface is tack free.
Squeegee Blade: Sharp.
decreased. For heat presses use 390ºF/195ºC for 8 seconds.
325ºF/175ºC for 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Oven temperature can be increased and dwell time
Bleed Resistance: Good
Opacity: High
Storage: Ideally 65º to 80ºF. Keep out of direct sunlight.
Wash-up: Any plastisol cleaner.
Special Notes:
white cloth or cracks, temperature and/or dwell time should be increased. Do not dry clean and always test
on fabric to be printed.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Vicky R.

Seems to be a smooth mix that provides enough cover without needing a reducer. Two passes worked well for me on dark shirts!

Quality Plastisol

I was hesitant to buy this because the price was so cheap. This is GREAT INK for the money! I will be back for more. Do you all sell this is in 5 gallon tubs?

Great ink for the money.

Great ink for the money.
